Helping farmers and other land stewards engage with the soil in ways that sequester atmospheric carbon while restoring healthy soils and ecosystems
The Biochar Program
of the Olympic Carbon Fund
The Olympic Carbon Fund (OCF) is working with Olympic Biochar (OB) to reroute as much biochar as possible from the paper mill to local soils. Eligible applicants can receive a cubic yard of OB biochar for free, and up to three additional sacks for half price ($75). Farms, large food gardens, foresters, soil restorers and private homes on acreage all may be eligible to receive a whole cubic yard, depending on the Fund balance. Individual home food gardens are eligible for the Bucket Share program.
In the Bucket Share program, people on an email list will receive notice of pop-up Bucket Share events. While the bag lasts, emailed sequesterers will be able to show up and help themselves to two or three 5-gallon bucketfuls of biochar. Once that biochar has been charged and worked into the soil, the person will be eligible for more.
Olympic Biochar bags its product in one cubic yard "super sacks" which help prevent the biochar from blowing or washing away as it is being gradually taken out and worked into the soil. OCF-approved clients can arrange to have their super sack picked up in Chimacum by anyone with a pickup or trailer. Charging the biochar is the responsibility of the recipient.
When considering quantities, a good rule of thumb would be one cubic yard of biochar for every 500-2000 square feet of planting area, depending on how deep the biochar is worked into the soil. Biochar can be added incrementally, year by year. It does the most good in the root zone of the plants.